World's First Mesotherapy Treatment that Harnesses the Power of Epigenetic Science

World's First Mesotherapy Treatment that Harnesses the Power of Epigenetic Science


As we get old our skin loses collagen and elastin, it may be drier, more fragile and our skin isn’t as smooth or tight. Some of us are lucky with our genes when it comes to ageing but life choices can impact on our skin like sun exposure (can cause damage to the DNA in our skin cells), stress, diet and personal habits such as drinking and smoking can all have an effect.

Looking for an anti-aging treatment to reverse this age-related loss of skin density is the holy grail for many of us. Which is why epigenetics is revolutionising the way scientists are looking at skin care and anti-ageing. Epigenetics is the study of the way genes are controlled, or expressed, in the body. It’s the interaction between your genes and your environment and plays an important role in ageing.

Skincare innovators and Bio-tech company, ABG Lab have developed the world’s first Mesotherapy treatment that harnesses the power of epigenetic science designed to protect, defend and revitalise stem cells in mature skin.

Called Meso-Xanthin F199 this innovative treatment has been designed to sustain stem cell vitality, delay cell senescence (process of deterioration) and extend their lifespan.

Rigorous testing showed the treatment had a positive impact on cell cycle defense and cell survival rate under conditions of daily exposure to environmental stresses such as sun, pollution, smoking and chemical irritants.

World's First Mesotherapy Treatment that Harnesses the Power of Epigenetic Science - Meso-Xanthin F199 - before and after

PREVENTING PHOTOAGING & CHRONOAGING OF SKIN Meso-Xanthin F199 ® is a unique aesthetic solution for preventing photo and chronological aging of skin at the cellular level—intensifying the regeneration of damaged and mature skin.

It beautifies the skin by restoring the cells’ inner antioxidant defenses (making them more durable and reduces their inflammation) to prevent the onset of skin ageing.

F199 CAROTENOID ABG Lab's exclusive F199 has been proven to efficiently restore DNA in skin cells damaged by oxidative stress, insolation (sun damage), and chronoaging. It stabilizes and protects the DNA's structure while up-regulating cell cycle defense mechanisms to increase cell longevity and energy production, reduce cell sensitivity to traumatic stress factors, and optimize damage repair mechanisms (in particular, in mature and aging skin).

World's First Mesotherapy Treatment that Harnesses the Power of Epigenetic Science - Meso-Xanthin F199 - before and after

BENEFITS Meso-Xanthin F199 ® helps to target the genes responsible for synthesizing proteins involved in skin repair via epigenetic cellular skin therapy. It offers the following benefits:

● Reduces pigmentation and dark age spots;

● Lightens & brightens dark, dull skin;

● Restores skin radiance;

● Reduces facial fine lines and coarse wrinkles;

● Prevents the onset of adult acne

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