Hygiene care before and after encounters with an escort

Taking care of your hygiene is very important, especially before and after encounters with an escort. There are certain things you may not be told to do, but everyone expects you should know them.  Being health-conscious before, during, and after encounters with Darwin escorts can help prevent lots of illnesses.

Let’s be honest, although sex feels great, it is not exactly clean. And when you are in the middle of the act, your hygiene is one of the last things that will be on your mind. As such, we came up with this article to educate you about your hygiene before and after you meet with Darwin escorts.


Hygiene care before an encounter with an escort

While you may be feeling quite excited to meet with Darwin escorts, here are a few things you need to do before your encounter.

●      Shave

While shaving is a personal choice, you should shave before an encounter with a Darwin escort. Pubic hair is known to harbour lots of foreign materials, which could transmit diseases. If you are the type that loves to engage in oral sex like cunnilingus, or fellatio, a clean shave makes things more interesting. Moreover, who loves to get hair in their mouth during oral sex? Shave the hair around your legs, pubic area, armpits, and face.  

●      Brush your teeth

Another thing you need to do before your encounter with an escort is to brush your teeth. No one loves a bad breath or the smell of garlic or onions. Brushing your teeth before that date with a Darwin escort helps to get rid of that bad odour. You can also use mouthwash to get rid of a bad mouth odour. Don’t forget to floss to get rid of those small food particles that may lodge between your teeth.

●      Shower

Although this is one of the most common emphases of hygiene care, many people often fail at this. Showering before an encounter with a Darwin escort helps you create a great impression. Moreover, you will smell and look fresh, and more desirable to the escort. As such, the escort will be more willing to give you the most pleasurable time you can imagine. When in the shower, don't forget to shampoo your hair. And after the bath, do well to apply some moisturizer, deodorant, and cologne.

●      Don't pee before having sex with an escort

If you plan to have sex with the Darwin escort, avoid urinating before sex. This is because if you urinate before sex, there is a high chance you may transmit urinary tract infections to the escort. As such, we often advise people to avoid peeing before sex. Women stand a higher risk of urinary tract infections. 

●      Use a condom

Although it feels way different when using a condom, at Naughty Ads, we always encourage safe sex. Use a condom to protect yourself from any kind of sexually transmitted infection. The condom functions as a barrier contraceptive, which prevents direct contact of the genitals.

Hygiene care after an encounter with an escort

After an encounter with Darwin escorts, the following hygiene care is important. 

●      Pee

Bacteria can enter the urethra from any kind of sex, be it oral, anal, or vaginal. Sometimes even with a condom, these bacteria still find their way into the body system. A quick handjob without the use of a condom can also transfer all kinds of unwanted nasty particles into your penis. But the easiest way to get rid of them is to flush them out by peeing. A simple emptying of your bladder can save you from the stress of battling an infection.

●      Shower

Showering after an encounter with an escort is also important. Well, except you want to smell like sweat and sex for the rest of the day, do yourself a favour and have another bath. When having a bath, be sure to use a soap that does not upset the pH level of the private parts.

●      Clean and properly store sex toys

Lastly, if you are the type that uses sex toys, clean them properly before storage. You can even wash them when having a bath. It’s important to properly clean your sex toy after use to prevent bacteria from logging in them. So that when you next want to use them, they will be clean and safe to use.


In conclusion, you shouldn’t take your hygiene before and after an encounter with escorts likely. A simple act like washing hands can help you get rid of lots of bacteria that could harm you. So, when next you want to meet with an escort or you meet with an escort, do yourself a favour and take care of your hygiene.


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