How to Keep Your Skin Safe When Using Halloween Makeup

How to Keep Your Skin Safe When Using Halloween Makeup

Needless to say, Halloween is the time of year when transforming into your favourite spooky character is completely acceptable—even encouraged! While sure, by all means, you should definitely dive into the fun of all of this, like the dramatic face paints, wild colours, and over-the-top looks, your skin might not be quite as thrilled about all that extra attention.

Obviously, you want to do whatever you can to have radiant skin, right? Well, with the abundance of cheap Halloween makeup on the shelves, it's easy to overlook how these products might affect your skin.

Luckily, keeping your skin safe while still pulling off that killer costume is totally doable. Honestly, all it takes is just a little bit of caution. So, with all of that said, here’s how to make sure your skin stays as happy as you are this Halloween.

Choose Your Makeup Wisely

Let’s be honest: those bargain makeup kits lining the shelves around Halloween are tempting. They offer everything you need for your look in one neat package—but at what cost? The truth is, a lot of these cheap kits are loaded with ingredients your skin will not appreciate. Yes, there are more than enough ingredients in those things that are super bad for your skin (and a child’s skin, too). For example, heavy metals, parabens, and artificial fragrances are just a few of the skin irritants lurking in these products.

If you want to avoid waking up with irritated, red, or spotty skin, and you’re seriously about wearing makeup for your Halloween costume, then it’s worth investing in higher-quality makeup. Basically, professional-grade brands are your best bet.

There Needs to Be a Layer Between Your Skin and the Makeup

Before even thinking about applying Halloween makeup, you really need to know that it’s crucial to prep your skin properly. Now, it’s pretty obvious, but you’re going to have to start with a clean face by using a gentle cleanser to remove any dirt and oil. Afterward, apply a moisturiser to create a protective barrier between your skin and the makeup.

If you’re going all out and wearing makeup for an extended period, using a primer is a great shout. But why exactly? Not only does it help keep your look intact, but it also adds an extra layer of protection between your skin and the sometimes questionable ingredients in costume makeup.

Now, it’s so important to do this because, with the right prep, you can reduce the risk of irritation and dryness. Never put that costume makeup directly on the skin; make sure there’s some sort of layer!

Take Care Around Your Eyes

So, it’s pretty obvious that your eyes are super sensitive, so it’s important to be extra careful when applying makeup around them. Cheap Halloween makeup often isn’t tested for use near the eyes, and the last thing anyone wants is a reaction that leaves them with red, irritated peepers.

Speaking of which, if you’re planning on going all out, such as with some cosplay contact lenses, then it really can’t be stressed enough that you’re going to have to buy high-quality ones (not just cheap, untested, or from sketchy sources).

Watch Out for Hair Sprays

It’s not just your skin that needs looking after—those vibrant hair sprays are often packed with chemicals, too. These sprays can dry out your hair, leaving it brittle and more prone to damage. If you’re planning on using them, make sure to wash and condition your hair thoroughly afterward to restore moisture and keep your locks healthy.


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