How Ultra-Subtle Fillers can Leave you Looking Refreshed
Having worked in the beauty industry for almost 10 years, I‘ve seen my fair share of disastrous fillers. In fact, so turned off was I by the cases I'd seen, it became one of the few treatments I was hesitant to try. Not ideal, when your job involves reviewing the latest treatments for a living.
But the thing with filler (and the reason it gets such a bad rep) is that we only notice the bad cases. You know what I’m talking about. The 50 something woman who has been so over filled she resembles a chipmunk or the Gen Z-er next door, suffering from botched lips after her mate recommended a lady who “only charges £90”.
Filler done right, should be undetectable to everyone other than the the person who’s had it done. And it should never, ever be done by someone who isn’t qualified to do it. Which is why, I spent many a year contemplating the idea of filler, yet never doing anything about it.
I had enjoyed other injectables, don’t get me wrong. A bit of Botox for the frown lines, some skin boosters for a glowing complexion. Yet despite seeing many examples of filler done well, I couldn’t rid myself of that niggling fear I’d be the one case where it all goes wrong and end up leave the clinic looking like a love Island reject, desperate to start my influencing career.
Until one day, I met up with a “mum” friend who was looking particularly well rested. As I commented on how well she was looking, she joyfully confessed, that the reason for her new radiant look not a spa weekend or a good nights sleep but her fist ever round of injectables. Now had it been an industry friend, I wouldn’t have given it a second thought but this friend of mine was not someone to regularly indulge in beauty treatments, especially not ones involving needles. Impressed by her fresh, natural looking results I asked for the details of her injector.
The practioner in questions was Nina Prisk of Update Aesthetics. The name rang a bell. A regular amongst the beauty bibles, some further research revealed I was already in touch with her press team.
A NMC Registered Independent Nurse Prescriber and trained specialist in non-surgical advanced aesthetic procedures and rejuvenation treatments, Nina’s training alongside leading medical practitioners and world renowned surgeons, has lead her to become one of the industries ‘go to’ injectors for subtle and natural looking fillers.
Nurse Nina Prisk
Research underway belt, I decided it was time to take the plunge and find out if filler could give me the subtle lift and rejuvenation I was after.
With clinics on both London’s Harley Street and in Cornwall (her home town and more recently mine), I decided to take full advantage of not having to get the train to London and booked in at Update Aesthetics Truro.
Starting with a consultation, I explained to Nina that I wanted a subtle lift around the lower face, to look less tired and have a more youthful silhouette . I also explained that that I did not want anyone else to be able to detect what I had done and If I could get away without my partner even realising, then it would be a real win. Nina suggested we start with one ml of the hyaluronic acid filler Maili along the cheek bones to give a subtle lift to the lower face and see how we get on.
An experienced injector the procedure was quick and painless, and the results immediate. Instantly lifting my face I looked less knackered mum, more pre-baby me. Nina explains that the full results will take a few weeks to show, as the filler needs to settle. I can then revisit for a follow up session to make any adjustments in 4 weeks time. I should also expect to have some swelling and soreness in the next 24 to 72 hrs, which will gradually subside over the next week.
I may have been warned but as my face started to swell later that afternoon, panic set in. “What did I do? Will everyone notice? Do I look weird? Help!”
Clearly I hadn’t paid any attention to my prior research on post procedure downtime. The panic continued for a long as the swelling, a good 72 hours for the more extreme and about a week for it to be gone completely. Despite my overreaction, when everything had fully settled I was thrilled with the results, speedily booking back in with Nina to asses the results.
A swift 15 minute appointment, the follow up involved checking I was happy with the results so far and whether we needed to make any adjustments. After talking through the results Nina added a small amount of filler to my jawline close to my ears and a small top up on along my cheekbones.
A little more level headed second time round, I managed to avoid paining at the site of swelling, instead understanding that this is all part of the process and to trust my practitioner.
Three months on from last appointment and I can truly say that a small dose of subtle filler can make all the difference to your face . What’s more, Nina passed the partner test, with my husband failing to notice I had had anything done, until I told him.
Interesting in trying filler for yourself? Here leading aesthetic nurse Nina Prisk explains how different areas of subtle filler can leave you looking refreshed and natural.
Adding volume to the lips
Even a small amount of filler can add a subtle hint of volume to thin lips which will make a huge difference to the face. It can not only help to combat the signs of ageing around the lips such as lines and wrinkles and loss of volume, but also address asymmetry or accentuate the two peaks of the lips or ‘cupid’s bow.’ Because plump lips are typically associated with youthful looks, subtle lip fillers can help to make the face look younger.
Reshaping the nose
Nose fillers, or a non-surgical rhinoplasty, can make a huge difference to the face by narrowing the bridge of the nose, lifting the nose, or correcting nasal asymmetry. It can also smooth out bumps such as a dorsal hump. Despite the fact that fillers make your nose bigger, when used properly they can actually make the nose appear smaller and this can have a huge difference to the proportions of your face.
Contouring the jaw
Subtle fillers in the jaw can help to reduce the effects of volume-loss in that area, reduce the appearance of jowls and create a more contoured jawline. They can help to create a better separation between the face and the neck and enhance a weak chin. Fillers in the jaw can also balance asymmetry, create a more chiselled look, and create more even face proportions.’lnm
To book your consultation with Nina Prisk at Update Aesthetics visit