The Rise Of Ayurvedic Milk-Based Drinks 

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Say goodbye to your almond milk latte, if you really want a drink that will nourish both your body and your soul it’s time to embrace the ‘moon milk’.

Ok, I know it may sound like a new fangled concoction you’d serve your four year old but ‘moon milk’ and the slightly more grown up sounding, ‘golden milk’ are actually an integral part of India’s ancient health system.

An Ayurvedic practise that has been used for hundreds of years, the process of blending warm milk with her herbs and spices to benefit your health and well being is fast turning the ‘hot drink industry’ on it’s head. 

Incorporate Ayurvedic herbs; such as turmeric and ashwagandh, what stands ‘golden’ and ‘moon milk’ apart from other milky drinks is their extremely high levels of adaptogens. Feted for helping the body adapt to emotional and physical stressors, these adaptogen provide calm in times of stress, peace to a racing mind, clarity in times of turmoil and energy when feeling tired.

Ashwagandha is one of the most popular adaptogens used herbs in these trending drinks and one of the most widely used herbs in Ayurvedic medicine. Known as a ‘tonic’ herb, Ashwagandha is said to have an overall rejuvenating effect on the body and mind, helping to protect and support the nervous system, and immune system as well as improving energy in times of need. 

In the case of ‘moon milk’, cardamom, cinnamon and Ayurvedic herb ashwagandha are blended together to create a delicious warm drink that will keep you feeling calm and clear in times of stress, whilst keeping energy levels boosted.

Keen to make the Ayurvedic Switch, simply follow these easy at home recipes below for Golden milk and Moon milk . 

Golden milk:  Gently warm your preferred milk (we recommend trying almond or oat milk) in a pan and add almond, cardamom pod, saffron, turmeric root, nutmeg and ashwagandha root (optional).

Moon milk:  Add cardamom, cinnamon, nutmeg and ashwagandha to your favourite warm milk. 

Alternatively for an easy way to get practitioner grade herbs and spices, including adaptogens such as ashwagandha, try Pukka Herbs’ new organic herbal lattes. Cacao Maca Magic has been expertly blended using ashwagandha and cardamom, whilst Turmeric Gold has been blended using turmeric, ginger, cinnamon and saffron. Just add to your favourite milk to enjoy.

Pukka Herbs’ Cacao Maca Magic Latte

Beneath the velvety, luxurious chocolate flavour lie three very special organic herbs to naturally boost mood and balance hormones. 

Cacao is an endorphin-boosting botanical, enhancing feelings of pleasure. 

Ashwagandha is a stress-regulating adaptogen, naturally nourishing adrenals and calming an anxious mind. 

Maca is a stimulating herb, naturally boosting mood (and libido).  

Shatavari is a hormone balancing adaptogen, which naturally supports the female reproductive system.  

How does it taste? Chocolatey, smooth and indulgent – like a sumptuous hot chocolate but without the sugar and with all the benefits of herbal heroes.  

Pukka Herbs’ Turmeric Gold Latte £4.99

A protective, aromatic, antioxidant-fuelled and caffeine-free blend of organic turmeric and other natural spices…

Turmeric is a super-spice, famed for its powerful antioxidant qualities and abilities to naturally nourish and support both brain and body at all stages of life. 

Ginger is warming, reinvigorating and rich in essential oils, helping the absorption of turmeric.   

Cinnamon is a naturally sweet and warming spice, helping to balance blood sugar levels and curb sweet cravings.

How does it taste?

Pukka’s organic turmeric has an earthy and complex flavour and provides this latte with a glorious golden hue. Using pre-biotic inulin for a touch of calorie-free natural sweetness and coconut milk powder for a luscious creamy texture. We finish off the recipe with a blend of natural spices for a deliciously well-rounded and moreish flavour.


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