Cleanse, Nurture & Nourish With GP Nutrition
It’s like clock work. Every spring once the weather has finally warmed up, my desire to lounge on the sofa indulging in winter stodge (tell me it's not just me) magically disappears and in its place, the sudden need to cleanse, nurture and nourish.
Coffee is replaced with green juice; exercise (or at least the effort I put into exercise, as we all know I’m a bit of an exercise nut already) is cranked up and my interest in trialling the latest super powered supplement goes in to over drive.
But while I may not be able to indulge my craving for super powered supplements for the next 9 weeks (assuming baby number 2 sticks to his schedule), I've already set my sights on a new range of supplements I can’t wait to try. GP Nutrition Programmes encompassing ‘Clean Me’, ‘Enhance Me’, ‘Slim Me’ and ‘Restore Me’ are a clinically proven range of supplements designed by nutritionist and celeb fave Gabriela’s Peacock.
Composed of naturally ‘free-from’ ingredients that are suitable for everyone (including those with food sensitivities), the range has been designed with versatility in mind, enabling you to switch programmes from week to week to match exactly how you are feeling.Feeling a bit run down then try a week on ‘Clean Me’ – a comprehensive immune system support for the demanding modern lifestyle.
Looking for some extra nourishment for your hair and skin? ‘Enhance Me’ is your gal. A boost of energy for that hectic week ahead? It’s ‘Restore Me’. Or if like myself your'll looking for an extra helping hand loosing those lbs this summer, then GP’s ‘Slim Me’ programme will ensure those cravings keep at bay while maintaining energy levels and balancing the metabolism.
Available in pre-packed individual doses for on the go consumption, Gabriela’s Peacocks gels, capsules and powders are all are easily absorbed to give maximum results.
To read our full interview with Gabriela and discover her top tips on pregnancy nutrition click here.